Along with generosity, confidence and physical attractiveness, humor is a trait that is usually highly desired among couples. Having good humor can bring us incredible benefits not only with how we feel but with social relationships. The problem is that being funny is not something we can force; if we try too much, we create an awkward and annoying environment. We have all seen these people that constantly make others laugh, these are the people we want to be with because we know we will have a good time, they do this without any effort, is it a magical power or did they learn it?
Did you know that you have the power to help people without even moving a finger? This skill will not only drastically improve your relationship with your child, but also with everybody else. You will be able to understand people better, you will be more likely to get what you want, and you will be more liked by others because you will be able to connect with them much easier. This skill is called: Active listening. I’m sure you have heard about this before, but do you really know why this is so important and do you know how to do it?
This week I put a post on the importance of developing a secure attachment with our child and why this so important for their overall emotional and physical health. I received quite a few questions about it, one of these questions was, “I see that my child has a stronger attachment to mom. As a father, can I also develop a strong attachment with my son/daughter?” Absolutely! And in this post, I am going to give you a few tips to strengthen your relationship with your child.