Bullying, what Parents and Kids can do to Prevent and Deal with it

Maria goes to a new school, she was very happy at the beginning, but then something changed. She realized that a group of girls started spreading rumors about her. She came home one day, and you saw her crying in her room and shortly after that she started complaining about headaches and stomach pains, she started saying she did not want to go to school, and when she went to school, she did everything she could to not get close to these girls.

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Business Lunch Etiquette

At times, we might be in a situation in which our working hours with clients are extended, we find ourselves in a difficult situation in which everyone is hungry, and it is lunchtime. Should I invite the clients to a restaurant? Which restaurant should I pick? What kind of food would be appropriate? What kind of behavior should I display in order to make my client comfortable?

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6 Crucial Tips to Raise an Assertive Child

Assertiveness is a fundamental social skill we must possess in order to have a high level of emotional intelligence. An assertive person is the one who will defend his/her thoughts, needs or opinions while not disrespecting or hurting others. It is crucial that we help our kids develop this skill starting at an early age. A child who develops an assertive communication style will know how to relate and connect with others while having the ability to respect himself. The development of assertiveness is essential to the child’s social and emotional well-being.

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