Be careful! ‘Cause legs don’t lie! What your walk says about you

“Don’t judge a book by its cover!” I’m sure you’ve heard that one, although body language and nonverbal communication experts would not agree with this saying. If you think that only your face or gestures send a message, think again! Did you know that the speed and style of your walk can say a lot about you, your personality, your mood, your confidence level, your attitude… In fact, without realizing it, we tend to see how a person walks even before we see their face, the way we walk will influence how others perceive us and it will also influence how we feel about ourselves. Continue reading

How to empower our girls and raise boys who embrace gender equality

The first time I had a “feeling” that gender equality is crucial between a woman and a man?

I was that little girl that would strive to have equality between her and her big brother, that little girl that had to divide responsibilities between her and her brother because “It is the fair thing to do” “Why should chores be gender specific?” that girl that enjoyed so much talking and helping her friends feel empowered. I guess it was sort of a “Things need to be fair and equal. We are smart, talented and have so much to offer!” feeling I have always had. Continue reading

Teach your child how to connect with others with these 5 tips

So, I did a little experiment the other day with my daughter and niece and I would love for you to try it out! You have probably noticed how kids stare sometimes right? That’s exactly what my daughter and niece were doing the other day, staring at a little girl, both of them with a very serious face. I thought to myself, this is a great moment to teach them about connecting with others and the power of a smile, I called my daughter first, “Sarah, come here for a minute please”, as soon as she came and looked at me, I smiled and I held the smile without saying anything, she instantly smiled back, I laughed and told her, “Sarah, let’s try this with your cousin, I am going to call her and when she comes and looks at you, you will smile and hold that smile to see what happens”, when my niece came, without saying a word, Sarah smiled, not even two seconds passed and she smiled back. Continue reading