

Vanessa Bolet is a personal, executive coach and trainer specialized in International Protocol and Etiquette, Leadership and Social Skills. Multilaterally qualified as a Certified Etiquette and International Protocol Consultant and Life Coach. She holds a B.A in Psychology from Florida International University, M.S. in Human Resource Management from Johnson and Wales University, and M.A. in Protocol, Ceremonial, Institutional Relations and Event Planning from the well-known Escuela Internacional de Protocolo in Madrid, Spain. Focused on training and consultancy services for individuals and organizations wishing to grow personally, socially and professionally. Having worked in adult and child counseling, teaching, training-development and recruiting, Vanessa has seen firsthand how important these skills are for children and adults.

Acquiring and improving social skills, can directly impact personal and professional development, it can help an individual improve self-esteem, develop healthy relationships, communicate effectively, and adapt to different situations. Bringing together extensive knowledge in Psychology, Human Resources, International Protocol and Etiquette, Vanessa can provide you with the necessary leadership and social skills to feel confident and learn how to behave in every moment in this competitive, globalized and diverse world.


“We can’t change all our society, but we can significantly improve it if we work on ourselves and our next generation by encouraging and empowering individuals to act with greater responsibility, integrity and courage.”

My Mission

Human beings, in our majority, live in society. We live as a system, we influence each other, and we need each other. The way we relate to each other directly influence our future success and happiness. Many of the emotional problems people experience are due to having a lack of social and leadership skills. My mission is to give you the necessary tools to make positive and empowering changes in your life.

My Promise

Commitment, Professionalism & Transformation. To share my knowledge and experience to generate enthusiasm and motivation while training and coaching individuals in their personal and professional development. I will offer you what you need, raise awareness of your possibilities and help you feel empowered to be the best version of  YOU.